CASIS-OSC is a Student Chapter, operating as an extension of the national CASIS organization at the university and college level in Ottawa.

Our mission is to advance the study of security and intelligence at postsecondary educational institutions in Ottawa and facilitate opportunities and resources for students in the sector and its related fields.



Our goal at CASIS Ottawa Student Chapter is to get students involved by:

o Introducing them to the diverse fields and sectors of security

o Assisting them in connecting security to their own degree program 

o Helping them gain knowledge, ask questions and formulate opinions 

o Creating opportunities for them to develop and apply their skills 

o Providing the resources to obtain relevant experience for their resumés & careers

o Facilitating events and activities for learning, resume building, volunteering/community service, professional development, and networking 

o Connecting them with experts, leaders and employers in their field 

o Keeping them up to date on emerging trends and issues in the security sector

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to have prior experience in, or knowledge of the security or intelligence field to join CASIS Ottawa Student Chapter? 

No! Our main goal at CASIS-OSC is to introduce students to the field, help them learn more about it, and gain relevant experience, skills, and knowledge through our opportunities. 


I’m not studying in a program related to security and intelligence. I’m also not too interested in the traditional security sector. Should I still join? 

Yes! Almost every field or discipline is linked to security. From health to technology to finance, CASIS-OCS offers diverse opportunities to help you make the most out of your own specific degree program, while also learning more about the world around you. 


The school year can get busy and overwhelming sometimes. Will I be obligated to commit to any work or offer my time regularly as a CASIS-OSC Member?

 No! CASIS-OSC membership gives you access to all our events and opportunities throughout the year — we facilitate and host them for you, but you choose which ones to attend and participate in. 


What makes CASIS-OSC different from other clubs? 

We want to help you connect security to your specific interests with our opportunities focused on professional development and stakeholder networking. 

You won’t just sit around listening to speakers. You will get to learn, develop and apply your skills, ask questions, work with other students, and directly engage with employers and experts, all while gaining relevant knowledge, skills, experience and connections to complement your degree and build your career. 


Is there a cost to join CASIS-OSC?

Yes, there is a $15 Membership Fee* each year. This fee covers CASIS-OSC merch, snacks & goodies and access to opportunities such as:

  • Recruitment events
  • Career fairs
  • Networking with experts and leaders in the field
  • Career building workshops 
  • Volunteer projects
  • Skill building competitions 
  • Seminars and tours

*This fee can be waived for students who require financial accommodation. 


Do I need to be in Ottawa to become a member? 

No! We will be hosting a mix of both in-person and virtual events throughout the year to ensure all members are able to participate and benefit, regardless of whether they are in Ottawa for the school year or not. 

Have more questions? 

Reach out to us at: president@casisottawa.ca 


DM us on Instagram: @casisottawa! 

We can’t wait to hear from you!